Carousel & Incredulity

martial law/corporate coup/desperate cretin.

Misrule. Unrest. Rapid Retaliation.

gang of four .. 5-bouts ….. on my signal . .

limber up.
Vigil. Valour. Vertiginous.

I Trust the Conman – Moron’s Messiah and the Temple of Turd (split 7”ep with OPS-PSF):

IxTxCx split 7″ep excerpt.

OPS-PSF split 7″ep excerpt.

shocking marathon-blast, Anti-Listener sprint & siege Blurcore/Blastcore, shred, harsh-noise Gratecore Noisegrind severity targeting disinformation, oligarchy, & manufactured moron movements (10 tracks). OPS-PSF from Tokyo playing mangled, supra-eccentric harsh & tatty Gunk (112 tracks). solid white vinyl with full-colour labels, high-quality full-colour sleeve pro-printed on 150g paper, sturdy pvc shroud & inner plastic vinyl bag, small colour insert, hand-numbered to x491 copies on the inimitable Lo-fi or Die imprint.

Out of Orbit!

MxAxDx live at Mudareuk, supported by a seven strong Korean avant-free-jazz & psychedelic rock consociation … 1st of Dec.

core values ….. inexorable.

hyper curious new two track ep – 경계의 숨결 (Breath on the Edge) – from Korean “alter-ergo” conventicle MxAxDx – Mua Dan. flushed via the industrial streaming complex (wasn’t my move), but not Clottify.

more moil at Moss …
after the fact
Cursed One, Rui Inaba, Sunjae Lee – peremptory-pyro-posthistoric pleo-para-paroxism
चितिपति) live at Seendoshi
so I’m told .. .
Blacca in Osaka ….. gourmet garakuta … .. . gimme’ that dreek, fool!

Ruck Radius > > >


thence-thus …

Sunjae Lee & Kikanju Baku live in Seoul

then …

Chris Pitsiokos nt’ Cursed One, live, Seoul

wherewithal .. …. .

산내음 live in Seoul
Black One! spare them not an inch, for their creed is cowardice – & their currency corruption … pustules .. . to be lanced & slashed.

Mad Mantis Mountains

Samagwi Seraphum

Mermilf versus Weirwolf:

Mermilf versus Weirwolf audio squall mp3

the twenty-seventh edition of brain scramble – Mermilf versus Weirwolf – on Erst-while Antrum. psychobullosic cerebral-straying, accentutated-avant-clotting & rapid improv disorientations against odd outré outback noise w’ weirdo relish. convoluted & enigmatic Korean “alter-ergo” ensemble – 산내음 <MuA Dan> – with a glorious high-plateau outer-body exuberance & extremely tricky backwards beats. strange noise, Industrial clagging & wandering & moody frequencies from Chicago sentinel Illusion of Safety & Seoul shape-shifter Obo. fast, nimble & inflamed free-jazz duo pelt with effects-pedal-prone-astral-currents trumpeter Pataphysics & saxophonist Jung-Jae Kim, & the last of 機関銃爆発合奏団.

Cursed One & Pataphysics > > >

seven tracks in almost 80-minutes, to cook the cortex, curl the toes & graze the ear.

recorded all-over-orb like a novel virus or selectively ectopic plague particle.

x329 hand-numbered copies on a neon-purple spray painted disk etched with strontium bicarbonate, & clasped in pink kids clips with free wasp sting at ₩13,333 a slop.

recent live performance from Dan Burke & posse in Oaktown.

git em’ from –

Korea – 해충 Distro – huafemme[a]

Taiwan – emergencyemancipation[a]

Australia – info[a]

USA – heartmath[a]>

Heirophant Hermetica:

Heirophant Hermetica .. a gig in Seoul on the 31st with 산내음 as a four-pillar freak fugue fantab.

yeaaaaah … mass summonings & abundant apparitional anomalization with MuA Dan …. new members, lots of new recordings & material to process … much, much more after a brusque lull in the summer stodge.

diehard noisegrind nova .. . OPS-PSF/I Trust the Conman split 7” should be going to press this month on wyt wax … G.S. Crazy (Pt.1) vs Moron’s Messiah and the Temple of Turd. some IxTxCx recording session footage (minus noise & distortion) is now online.

I Trust the Conman

Desperation Breeds Depravity ep out on Trussterfuck compilation.

महाकाल 春 & the four new releases:


And with that, Spring threw back her head of green locks and laughed lustfully under the stratocumulus frizzante.

3/4 2 gizo > >

무아 단- Humanity During Apocalypse:

Humanity During Apocalypse (composite excerpt).

so at last, the debut release of my Korean collective is out. difficult to detail, but ambiphonic noise, sweeping psychedelic submergence, pluralist & profuse poly-sonics, distortion, electronics, effects pedals & synth saturation & shifting, snaking, multi-purpose avant-garde abstractionism will start the conversation. Clement & extreme frequencies, esoteric measures, abstract peculiarity transfusing with Poise Spore, avant jazz, extracurricular improvisation, Abnorm & Abstrusion, including traditional Korean & Chinese instruments. Insert elaborate mutagens of Advanced Fracture, Glyph-Hop, & radicalised Jazz variants transmutating as “Alter Ergo” & we are getting there. don’t forget to factor in an existential showdown & face-off between “the human spirit” – conscious being – individualist sentient entity – & the modern monstrosity & it’s all-annulling automation effacement directive & death drive towards digitization, “efficiency” & machine mind.

core musicians include Dowan Kim on drums, percussion & (other instruments), Hyunkyu Im on guitars, noise, pedals & synths, & Heejin Jang on electronics, noise & modulations.

woods in waiting, ready to wash away “The Man’s” pathetic concrete steel & glass feebleness & fallacy …. restore, replenish, rehabilitate, reclaim.
Wealth Disorder (composite excerpt).

Wealth Disorder (with Pataphysics & Niles Asheber):

four counts of raw, rustic, exotic, mysterious & radical ethno-avant free jazz.Niles Asheber on the Kuduzela or African Shofar (cos’ you know those motherfuckers stole it just like the stole the land) & conch shell as the wise-man minstrel.

Replacing the thief & caitiff William Doran – who could not even make his own session – is trumpeter Pat Marks, aka Pataphysics (also a dedicated activist, investigative reporter & rapper), who weaves a mantic of coiling effects riddled avant panache through the brass shotty.

Patrick Marks/Pataphysics.

The four tracks traverse an ornate, inventive & unpredictable mosaic of Glyph-Hop, Scolopendra, complex break-beats, scuttling & dextrous poly-rhythms, omni-tonal patterns & super fast, technical & gracile swing, bells, bones, blocks, artisanal gongs & gangan (African talking drum).

Conjuring a resilience ritual amongst a fire fly swarm from the enduring remnants of a triumphant tribe playing on cymbals dredged from an old ship wreck on make shift gear in a derelict cathedral erected by the repelled & vanquished former colonialist settlers during the longest night of a Pacific summer equinox …. yep! Ethnicity Against the Error muthufuccuzz.

Niles Asheber.

raw, ramshackle & radical, & a million miles from the “Renaissance” gloss toss & commercial commodity wet-wipery those establishment shit-shiners are always tryna’ stuff down yer’ gob.

the outer-extremities animated …

translucent purple shell with colour stickers, six panel cassette sleeve in a yellow case, limited to x569 hand-numbered physical copies with no digital release, issued by Ethnicity Against the Error.

& through lightening it came, the black ཆོས་སྐྱོང, from forests thick & mountains lofty, the leopard man, with dragon’s fangs & tiger’s talons, swinging the sacred sabre, cutting corrupted cowards into dog chews & flicking fraudsters bones into the howling winds …… 피할수 없는 天罰.

I Trust the Conman:

I Trust the Conman.
IxTxCx – one & a half tracks from the Desperation Breeds Depravity ep.

new Anti-Listener grindnoise, harsh noise, blast & blurcore project I Trust the Conman with Ignacio Ruz of 886VG on noise & guitar. Concept confronts the curse of the MAGA cult & the manufactured scammer & corporate-backed-bullshitter, political charlatan agent (Trump, Meloni, Bannon, Bolsonaro, Modi, Milei, Ramaswami, Orban, Sunak & the rest of the shower) & the “Jones Town” component/phenomena driving this benighted self-harming lemmingdom excrementalism to accelerate their own slaughter. sprinting Olympic-standard blastbeats, with bone structure fragmenting single-foot mega blasts hosting curt episodes of belting Gratecore & D-beat Grindcore paired with frenzied, ultra-fast, noise-blur-shred noisegrind & sporadic harsh noise besieging. Appropriate anecdotal revulsion & revilement at the monumental micro targeted & microwaved mass moronism & the plague of corporatist fraudster populist implant.

Ruzzin’ like hell.

Desperation Breeds Depravity ep is out on the new Trussterfuck compilation cassette extended by Basayev Inductions.

you are closer to “天国” than you think …. don’t let the dicks disrupt or derail your freedoms & ethics.

Bollock Swine/886VG – split cassette on Lo-fi or Die Records:

Gush Gyna Junk-Gyre Geto Garbage.

Bollock Swine’s Gush Gyna Junk Gyre-Geto Garbage three more eruptive, rapturous, rupturing, ridiculous, raving & rampageous uber-ultra-blastcore, blurcore, Gunk, avant-lard, screamcore, mangling hasrh-noisegrind Neko-Neko-Noyzcore, K-Slop, freak out, WTF turbo-eccentricity out-pour, riddled with “dog vortex”, immaculate harsh noise mutilation (Hiroshi Masaki) & lashings of hyper estranged samples & sound effects for the ultimate, unsurpassed, unassailable uttermost ….. it’s just impossible! … no one/nothing comes even close.

Bollock Swine …. it jus’ ain’t normal!!

Never Stop Learning – a contemporary titan of harsh noise, Chile’s 886VG eject three magnificent melt-offs of fast, harsh, nimble & varied, masterly shock-out cut-up harsh noise.


both practitioners provide the absolute cutting-edge of their prospective fields … done deal.

Bollock Swine/886VG split tape (composite excerpts).

fluorescent yellow shell with alternate on-body spray-paint stencils & stickers, single panel cassette sleeve on thick un-glossed card, A4 fold out double-sided poster attached with rubber ring, hand-numbered to x303 copies.

Bollock Swine/886VG live collapse/collision/collaboration:

fuck me! there they go again! for the second occasion, a live noise-nova exclamatory freak furnace & full-spectrum frenzy in advanced mutant radius between these specialist demolition ultras & rare enhanced-extremism Anti-Listener antagonisers.

had to pull a lotta’ art out tha urse recently for produxiunnnz … on the fly as usual, pig pen & waste cannisters … whatya’ gonna do eh?

Avant Inca Ethno Jazz:

improv Inca impel Inti .. the rays! the rays! the rays!
Gutierrez & Baku (rough, unmixed exerpt).

great session with young traditional Peruvian indigenous multi-instrumentalist Robert Gutierrez. Evocative & mystical improvisation in the depths of the arcane alcoves.

Duo album recording with South Korean avant-saxophonist Jung-Jae Kim:

Jung-Jae Kim. the steam is real mothufukurz! blazing!
Kikanju & Jung-Jae – rough & un-mastered scatter gun excerpt.

old-skool, fast & hard tumble, free-improvisation, on-spot-inflection inferno session with the Korean saxophonist Jung-Jae Kim. storm in a steam room.

tha green garland …. stay true.

Trussterfuck compilation cassette:

Trussterfuck (compilation excerpt).

Basayev Inductions 05, the latest excursion of international User Hostile mind goring featuring spectacular harsh noise & ultra-blastcore anti-listener noisegrind blitzkrieg. Digital Noise Distortion (Italy), mad Mourmansk 150 (France), 886VG (Chile), rare, never issued 90’s harsh junk Japanoise act from Osaka -SLIME SMILE THREEMILE – from ひみつキング member, classic, early 90’s genre-resistant dark noise/industrial/electronic masterclass from Chicago’s Illusion of Safety specially remastered by Dan Burke himself, Machine/Cyber-Grind Blurcore micro-munitions from Kataplasm (France), & four fatal incidents of peerless blastcore noisegrind overdrive from myself by way of exclusive Bollock Swine, I Trust the Conman, Reforester & 走り抜くtracks.

concept & graphics tokenises the “corporate nazi” anti-life libertarian extremists Liz Truss & Peter Thiel, along with other verminous specimens from their sub-species & blight class infecting, imperilling & corrupting our lives & politics with their barely concealed totalitarian, neo-feudal, nouveau-fascist, maliciously intended criminal conspiracy & sabotaging of sovereignties. time to fuck these cocksuckerz up kids!

professional high-quality tape on white shell, three on-body stickers per side, 5-panel sleeve, two odd-sized double-sided micro-posters, x5 pull-out subverts, hand-crafted & hand-numbered, limited to x313 copies in a blue “fucking” case.

of course …

Kink Responsibly.

Wallop Cervix
Blob Blab

Bollock Swine/Kylie Minoise – split tape:

Opening track Blob Blab from the new Bollock Swine Wallop Cervix 5yv-track ep, bled from the 大阪市“mow-down, melt-back & 멍멍이”sessions, finally out later this week as a split, high-vis-green, spray-can-stencilled cassette with doyen Scottish harsh noise highlander Kylie Minoise (Colossal Asteroid Hazard), on Tetsubishi Gob-Stopper Tapes.

Interview with I Don’t Give A Fuck:

New interview, the most in-depth & quizzical so far, finished last summer/autumn, & rustled by I Don’t Give A Fuck agit-art from Spain … who puts every Jazz publication to shame by snatching the 抜きネタ whilst they all have their dicks in the till & their credibility in the can. The entire industry outperformed by some autistic kid in a Barcelona squat …. sounds about right muthafucca!


Spanish version –

English version –

print/zine version, with extras & exclusives, out later this summer.

Niles & Kikanju

The Mage and the Sage:

Slew of fresh improvised recordings with Niles Asheber – & others – with ongoing impetus. heavy ethno-avant-incantation-involutions … a split cassette with my Korean collective 무아 단 <MuaA Dan> will be out near the end of this month on Ethnicity Against the Error.

Missing Man and Wandering Wounded

more in a modicum …

October Cardiac:

Undiagnosed Incipient.

First findings from a curious & curlicued Korean collective (currently innominate) recently recorded in Seoul subterranea. Two drummers, random recherché, preposterous FX-rig multicade & guitar-noise synth efflux, dextrous disorientation & compulsive inadvertency, fevered, cerebrally warping psychotropic lope geo-somatic morph, unexpected eccentricities, expansive transmutations in noise, abstraction, avant jazz, broken algebra, esoteric disaffirmation & all-espousing Alter Ergo on human passions against digitization.

first release on the wayward.

lusus nuturae 대방동 > > >
unbiddable undergone.

Lost in the wilderness …..

hyper avant-garde & deep ethno-jazz profundity with the eremetic ustad William Doran on trumpet & piano & sage Niles Hailstones on a conch shell & African drums.

Dark, mystic, arcane, sapient & far, far, far from civilizations concrete conveniences.

release impending …

more in moments …

Numinous Luminous Voluminous!

hell for nether.


Considerable discharge for the acetabulums arriving imminently … lot on the shards, so stand by for further varyform coagulum & enhanced bedlam bodacity … for now, some vesicant & verdurous video scrounge to heap yur waffles high …

Hydrogen ॐ
Suella Braverman Shot Dead at Border Security


Kikanju Baku – new album – Persona Non Blaka … with Joseph Daley on tuba, Roscoe Mitchell on sax n’ reeds, Josh Roseman on trombone, & Patrick Marks aka pataphysics on trumpet. Resulting igneous extremitites to be issued as an artisan, hand-numbered, physical copy only, deluxe audio cassette on Ethnicity Against the Error before the end of the year.

w’ tym i’ is there mhaaan???


September Japan gigs now cancelled due to exceptionally egregious, degenerate & dishonourable circumstances – worthy of a fucking Trump minion – by reprobate, chancer, excrescent verminous-shit-follicle, fabulist & fraudster – Hiromi Kudo/Takeshi Goda/剛田武. Sorry to all that will be disappointed by this utter, utter, utter fuck-up by that sick, ignoble, unprincipled & untrustworthy reprobate, low-life, cheapskate, scum-wad, shit-ball & prankster knave.

betrayal, conspiracy, deception, dishonesty, treachery, cancellation …. fuck Takeshi Goda/Hiromi Kudo.

Thanks to those that quit in disgust.

Expect something better Japan side by a more dedicated, reliable, trustworthy & capable individual next year.

cancelled – due to rat fuck, ingrate & shit-bag 剛田武.

Palpus in the Paranormal … Popinjay! Popinjay! Picaroon!

exo-stellar intra-argute …. corsair cacologismania & the gnashing of fangs > > > > >

The motherfuckin’ megrim mousseux – aka – makin’ maximum mutation! September – Japan – summoning a sundry of Noise, Gunk, Avant-garde, radical improvisation, Abnorm, heterodox Jazz & Farrago substructural thematics stewing out of control in cross-coordinating gulosity of stentorious stupefaction & psycho-surrealism-sensationalism. Y’ hear? A long circuitous history as an apostolic wanderer & provocateur in the region – it is time to rally the coenobium & divinate discursion. Recording sprees aside, the gigs confirmed so far are as follows –

further phatasmagon features foremost –

機関銃爆発合奏団/マグマトロン – Astral Tip-toe Uninhibited split LP:

ablaze .. Machine Gun Explosion Ensemble

reinforce your soft tissue – Machine Gun Explosion Ensemble & MAGMATRON split release is currently undergoing mastering & mixing. MGEE hurl three, raw, on-spot-improvised eruptions of weltering, corybantic, avant-jazz murrain, casting-off wild tangents & caterwauling cornucopic cross-currents, chaos spasm & esoteric steep. energetic vigour & screaming, tear-away, perfervid free-flow muddling classic eccentricities with advanced innovations & outgrowths for 360-degree exuberance.


マグマトロン discharge wild, impassioned, cacophonic outpourings harnessing the most dissonant strands of 60’s counterculture & far-flung avant “noise rock” or “new music” with a drummer who keenly coordinates classic skittering avant-jazz tumble & misshapen mind-bend. Brace for rolling thunder, lightening expelling shellac with all musicians doubling as adroit reed men who interchange instruments for 3-way avant psychedelic howl & melt off. Will be issued by the cult “phantom” imprimatur Ethnicity Against the Error with cover art by mad Legoniac.

rubenesque … gather your wits & stake your rove.

A series of albums & recordings are being mixed, fashioned & mastered now for a simultaneous escapologist theurgic nova at the end of the year which will include my studio carrousel with Hamiet Bluiett, & Erst-while Antrum #27 MerMILF versus Weirwolf among a fluttering of other extra-combustibles & face-ripping hi-ex hyp-act.

Brexiled Blacc Brexorcist – fuck Prate Shitain & it’s caitiff colony self-subjugating serfdom shit-suckery:

ditched dog-end democracy

Red & Gone! Like, “let’s all just watch whilst our kids are burned”? I don’t kno whats wrong with em’? but fuck that sis! – outta’ there!

eventicum – Reforester’s FUCK FOSSIL FUELS is finally out! – so seven ripping cuts of ecocentric, arborist, water-worshipping woodland noisecore blast deluge with wildcat-like agility … impenetrable, corner-to-corner acorn blastcore lathered in shredding, hyper-active, biting & manky Brazilian harsh noise humidity serving a one-item-menu of never-ending-portion bark-based battery & bludgeoning. The split is shared with festering marine-pollution chemical coagulant lo-fi trash noisegrind from Italy by way of Eddie x Murphy. x38 copies on limited edition cassette (TGS) & x120 CD version on Scaglie-Di-Rumore.

mow-down, melt-back & 멍멍이

mercy have mother ….. Bollock Swine are besotted again – & destabilizing the reality field in Osaka with extracurricular unscripted & immoderate oestro-centric caterwauling avant performance pus & bewildering bitch blurt barbarioness blather belabour banjax balderdash bastardization blabber beatdownz …. it’s gorra’ be luv … juicy nnnnnnnnn’ tender.

i’ve never been baffled like this about music … i find it so crazy, so out there, so audacious that i dont know what to do apart from laugh. like these guys are nuts .

debut live recording unified gathering of 機関銃爆発合奏団 in Koenji, Tokyo – sweltering, torrefying revolutionary Free Jazz ethno-avant-olio embellishing classic & core traditions & specially individualized idiosyncrasies, elaborations & polytropic transmogrifications to the craft …. first micro-video of the junto at work below with more to ensue.

機関銃爆発合奏団 > > > > > >> >> >

high-yield nectareous review of EVOLUTIONARY EVENTS on Something Else! proves that popular domains are not yet comprised of commercial caitiffs & coordinated cowardice exclusively …. Giles Peterson can get burnt out in an oil drum & his ashes FedExed to Tim Westwood with a dusting of mustard gas & anthrax spores …… the revolution will not be gentrified.

don’t forget to floss!