sucking virus & gurgling death in a waste-land flooded with pluto tox:

Dr. Blacclist sleeps in his own rot & gets more ass than a colposcope! no sell-out! ever.

mucal murmurations. lockdown? shut the fuck-up ho & go suck syringe ….been very busy machinating, metastasizing & manifolding – how odd, that in a period of induced inaction & universal stasis i am more productive than usual? nature flourishes when the machine stops – pick your side. i actually had a rehearsal room, of sorts, for a spell – been going berserk & have reigned in a few creatives that are stoic & insistent enough to flounce & fabulate during the viral-tizzy (it ain’t easy – most motherfuckers are in acute paralysis & can’t function without their chambermaids & cues from their ventriloquists).

struggle. scavenge. strive.


one new project that has been lavished considerable meld is Kuttekop – hyper maverick, insubordinately irregular, insufferably peculiar, antiphonic – awful – atrophied, fiendishly fevered, desperately weird, & replete with rare neurological disorders & freak accident -allllllllll the way! its….its… adversely derogative No-Skool-Noyzcore/Gunk ingests vintage analog Industrial lour & hard-boiled harsh electronics impugns absurdly fractured & flensed jazz jeremiad antiphonic avant influenza skitz-blitz-& reduced to mottled bitz. pulling out all the stops are two notorious, scar-riddled loons – Dennis Van Geldrop from uniquely weltering 90’s Dutch User-Hostile blast gunk unit Nee! conjoined with psychological damage specialist Sjak Von Brussel – aka – DMDN, a grizzled mage & unapproachable drifter of Industrial Noise & extreme electronics with an illustrious index of illness harking back to the 80s. guys! guys?! …… we really cannot guarantee your safety here. macerations for an LP & a split 7″ are practically complete, with the groups debut disgorgement featuring on the new Mendacity Mogul eleven-way compilation cassette on Basayev Inductions.



Reforester, my 2013 forest-fixated blast-noisecore project is back, & in a big way – careening, viridescent blastcore shred-noisegrind & the most graminaceous of Gunk straight-out of the woodlands deepest depths & the clammy peaks of the remotest cloud-forest & densest jungle hinterlands. five tracks of sap-heavy, branch-splaying purification, pulverization & naturalization & the plumpest plumations of swaying flora for the ultimate explosive, exhilarating exclamation to shrive the metropolis’s moil & wipe-clean mans pathetic urban impositions & encroachments are out on the Mendacity Mogul compilation, sure to expedite even the most ignorant urbanite back to the fuckin’ esseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeence ^0^ donguri! donguri! donguri!

Sphincter is scumming.

Mendacity Mogul:

speaking of Mendacity Mogul, this is the third one we have demolished, & it is the most extravagant & excruciating (which is saying something with the label’s standards) bloody hell chuck! – that is a labour of love & blood …. & yeah, Drupert Turdcoch gets his shriveled shit-brain smashed & sprayed, that no-good criminal cock-sucker colosto-count scunge pox!!! more details/entrails/chem-trails on MM here snuggles –

aw´ hell! i need to put out Biggg Nyf in tha Noggg, Erst-While Antrum #26, ……. there is now a surplus of material, just gotta juice th art, master & mix. #27 may follow swiftly as there is now a backlog bulging & refulging …. some very interesting extractions in this muddling madness …. producing under/during this mess is triple vexatious … constant disruption, death, displacement, closure, hiatus, reduced-capacity, cratered personnel doddering the doldrums & inordinate aggravations to already demanding endeavors – chop em’ up & lop their lard all the same kiddd!

when youth demonstrate more decency than th suck-arse adults- yu kno jyv has to change!!!


New NABEG! that’s right yu shitttz! – the incomparable & peerless juggernaut of impossibly irascible & incendiary Apoplexy & uber-unrest poised for a further profusion of pandemonium & sweeping demolition clamour from a fringe cell of Chechen secessionists …. dispensed an entire albums worth in one session – so the terms are demarcated …. now to usher the garrison & stage the assault. expect A-grade maulers weighing in on another international task-force of punishment specialists – all in awe of the spectacular indignation & moral clarity of Asian youth, Thailand being the source material for this effort … with a little help from … Belarus!

never before – & never since! – & every one of those fkn toys knows it – scar on tissue! 無冠の帝王
a few cuts/deft slash – PBH

Piscatorial Boat Herder:

Piscatorial Boat Herder. by the scruff of thine scrotum – can it be yu? the blackest, most forbidden, most recondite & radical incident of corporately-concealed, industry suppressed British Jazz history – the sublime & searingly scintillating Piscatorial Boat Herder, a bass & drums duo like n-o-t-h-i-n-g- e-l-s-e e-v-e-r which went on to precipitate another gigantic establishment cover-up The Sankofaz. Phosphorus Funk, Glyph Hop, turbo-tempo-jazz, kinetic Jungle, singularly complex floridity & preposterous inventive kink – balling & burning the fuck outta’ control, pussy wut!? der burnzzz have still not healed over a decade later whilst imposters plagiarize in our embers & fall at the first preliminary … anyways, lets throttle the record straight – i will release the retrospective, definitive codex LP/mix of this still totally unrivalled funking phosphorous from that period (2007-2012) in some scrape or swarm soonish – so watch yur date palms.

– Com Supremo Com Tudo –

Com Supremo Com Tudo:

released the debut LP from Brazil’s PMNT – a new sentinel of anti-corruption harsh draconian scorch/scour/scald – loaded to melting-point with embittered indignation conflagration. glorious harsh progressive Stridor prime from an apex predator. for those uninformed, this detonation joins a sprawling list of vinyl/cassette/CD/CDR releases i have produced/directed/organised/released etc, over two decades of hack n’ slash. fuck flakes better catch-th-fuck-up!

Gone are the Guilds Gongs:

we lost our emporium (x9 again) …. over twenty years of the deepest, ancient Chinese culture – expunged – in one fell swoop ….by a motherfucking Israeli mega-developer! – welcome to sterility. sacrilegious vandalism of the highest modal. cultural death sentence – wanton nihilism. but some of the monasteries mavens survived – we will avenge our clan & export our teachings & creative ideologies. seeds to the wasteland.

oh th trees? kin! – iym so glad yu ask … a record year (on top of a hitherto record year) – th forest is massively expanding – emanating oxygen & spraying life.

oh there’s more ducks! just yu wait. for despite all their concentric efforts, whilst there are bolts in my bollocks & varnish in my veins – centrifugal cataclysm concentrations will keep cascading……..counterclockwise.

D-d-d-d-d-double interview rare event explicandum eavesdropper:

six years after the first of the two Conversations trio opus editions were released, with everything else that has followed – & had already transpired hitherto, i have finally, actually had my first ever interview from a “Jazz” publication/journalist ever! it took a motherfucker from the 日出ずる国 to grow tha stones & put all these other fraudulent shit-scuttlers into permanent disgrace for their combined & concerted efforts to contain the wildest & most elaborate & peregrine insurrectionist ever to smash the scenes senescence & sprinkle the body parts of their manufactured mannequins like ash from the volcanoes maw. in three parts –

1 –

2 –

3 –

the same scrivener also posted a Revolt/Justice article on Tokyo Jazz –

& that ol’ French refusenik buckle-swasher extracted an English interview here –

Fuck Israel 7-way split cassette:

new release – savage moil, hard trauma, first degree rend & spontaneous organ ejection from grievous barbarian heavyweights God Pussy (Brazil), NxBx (Chile), PMNT (Brazil), 886VG (Chile), Estupor (Chile) & a cross-continent collision between Eine Stunde Merzbauten (Czech, Radek K of Napalmed) & 886VG.

“shooting unarmed demonstrators is illegal and the command that allows it is manifestly illegal.”

NABEG contribute two tracks of psycho-kinetic, smoldering Apoplexy – Spent Species a fierce skirmish from 2018 between 886VG & Baku as a live duo – suffuse with horrific feedback scald & ultra’ ultra harsh maim. finally – مسیرة العودة الكبري where the original two provocateurs are joined by Napalmed/ESM & PMNT, as well as ground zero audio from the 2018 Great March of Return – Gaza border protests in which the craven fascist shit-sucks in the IDF shot & gassed thousands of unarmed Palestinian protesters, killing hundreds, & wounding tens of thousands – children, women, medics, journalists & even the disabled (literally, shot dead in a wheelchair) in yet another round of appalling Israeli super criminality & inhumanity. the ever enlarging transgressions of that divergent frankenstein fuck-up of a country, the bloodshed, oppression, theft, racism, terrorism, impunity, bellicosity, lawless despotism, sex trafficking, rape, wretched cruelty & repellent maltreatment that brings so much disrepute & enmity towards innocent & non-partisan Jewish people who do not endorse, facilitate, approve or defend the criminal regime of Israel & it’s escalating extremities & crimes against humanity. ISRAEL DOES NOT REPRESENT THE JEWISH PEOPLE & THE JEWISH PEOPLE DO NOT REPRESENT ISRAEL -INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY- THE JEWISH PEOPLE WILL NOT BE TARRED BY ISRAEL’S RAMPANT & REPEATED CRIMINALITY & WAR CRIMES. – FUCK ISRAEL!

x118 hand-numbered copies on a specialized cassette resembling a gold-bar, high quality fou- panel sleeve, inserts, hand-crafted on-bodies with excerpts… no digital/online/commercial version, available from the artists.

nature nah lockdown laddy!

– pollen power-ups –

No pandemic can stop th pandemic – y’ diggg??? mothers serpentine root clasp (cold & clammy beneath the cursed crud)! – somehow, a large section of my early posts, videos, audio & downloads were slewed from my site during transmogrification. nothing untoward, just useless fuckers peeling paint & failing to fulfill forestry forensics. a years loss a centuries gain. re-uploading the Nozomi Nuptuals Neonatal Nose-Dive (NNNN) ep zip here from whence back erst ergo …2013 – shirabesu side-winding! The Sankofaz audio zip also vanished into th fast flowing current…will post again once I relocate. otherwise, new stuff is close to completion, hanging out the lab door, fangs chattering & overrunning security – soon.


potions & perturbations. new release, new band, new label – “More Goy Girls for Ghislaine” – Toff Stabber pitted against the draconian savagery of ultra harsh bray, cleave mar & gouge from Stridor whoppers Kylie Minoise, 886VG, Digital Noise Distortion & PMNT, with one long gilets jaunes themed distress & apprehension loaded destabilization from a resurfaced Mourmansk150. Kika drubbing is x3 trax as Toff Stabber – a freak accident resulting in th worse case wounding describable, atrociously acute, chronically contused & severe hardline Gunk, Noisegrind, green-stick-fracture unseemly Breakcore, Apoplexy Riot-Gear discordance deformity & disastrous damage.. like a stone-weapon fight between warring neanderthal tribes with laureate quantum mathematicians involved. oh! & th topography is all about killing rich people, so yu kno yur in th right place pet ^_- , guitar noise more disgusting than clotted stomach fluids admixed with suppurating beached whale carcass run-off left to ferment in a bog-man’s bladder .. terrible, repulsive, shocking, havoc-mired & awful plus breath-snatchingly intense, terrifying & bellicose guddle on a level that no other shit is offering.

thermo fructose succulency!!!

high quality three panel full colour insert with art direction from Non-Negotiable-Notoriety, colour pull-outs, translucent pink cassette with black hubs & hand decorated shell, ivory case with copper spray integument, limited to x126 hand numbered copies. over 40 minutes of singularly appalling reave, ravage & rend for th furthermost of fuck-ups & fankle!!! £7.50 each plus postage. emergencyemancipation[at]

due discerption:

rot yur own face off!

Rot runs into yer rents! Get a dose of doughty. – something in th cauldron..wait! … maybe even this month, if not, shortly within it’s tail appendage. Elsewhere, – the information embargo & establishment containment contiguity suffered their first breach, a four course ordeal on SomethingElse! detailing th recent Revolt/Justice double album. sink yur suckers right along th wounds stem –

being the pariah, fugitive, persona-non-grata, nemesis renegade, black-balled beast of th crags, not to mention a meritocrat, which seems to be th biggest deliction doable in this nest of celeb shysters & corruption merchants, don’t expect any of it to make it to surface publications or orthodox channels as I am barred, tarred & marred with th blackest brand of blacklist blotch. column inch’s for cash! bribes via advertising. Weinstein & dine me! Fuck those vice & venality sodden fabrication floggers. somebody needs to get th fuckin’ Competitions & Markets Authority & th financial conduct watchdogs to bust this shit-ring of mendacity moguls…th dirt these colostomy counts get away with!, & the collusive grifters nibbling at their dead skin. Anyone else that operates autonomous, – record shops & bloggers that are not enthralled to th industries corrupt encopresis, give us a tinkle –

for dis-empowerment to work – yu need to make sure th most powerful remain hidden. – “don’t get any funny ideas!” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *

confirmed culprits:

crimes, atrocities & transgressions … that will never be forgotten, minimized or diverted … & only bloat, entrench & inflame in their denotation of guilt, wickedness & obscenity.. pouring out of the wounds depths.

Kikanju Baku & Citizens of Nowhere New; double album – out & unprecedented:

Revolt Against State Stimulated Stockholm Syndrome – No Justice = Justification

Viral outbreak. No delay in delivery but a procrast on pronouncement… its out mzerkfzurx! a connoisseur double dizk omnium-gatherum of the most excruciating peregrine rogue rapid reactionary revanchist riotous recalcitrance. The boat is not pushed, it is propelled, profoundly, to the point of pure paroxysm & preternatural permutation. Deluxe double disc, detailed on-bodies, ultra high quality specialised-card dual-wallet/gatefold, massive 12 panel plush fold-out with extravagant montage (Non-Negotiable-Noteriety) & giant photographic compositions rendered in scalding detail. All execrations, exasperations & ostentations expelled throughout 2018 & cherry picked from multiple sessions between three varying units (Concussion Projectile Trio, Condign, Baku/Asheber duo) comprising seven musicians (886VG, Mad Hwa, Luke Stewart, Reg Bloor, Chris Pitsiokos & Niles Asheber). Hand numbered to x500 copies. Trebuchet’d by the fugitive firebrand cataclysm Ethnicity Against the Error records. Completely, utterly & consummately independent & insubordinate from any & all industry/scene/machine/establishment intervention & adulteration – apex autonomy of superior strength, caliber & integrity.

Untethered record shops, bondage free blogs & those not umbilicaled to the rectal refinery of prescribed shit-screened commodity capture & carefully-controlled manufactured malmerit & malfeased manipulation monopoly mendacity – direct to source – … I won’t be bunging bribes to the Liar magazine via the cover of “paid advertising” to secure surface exposure in this insanely corrupt sump of fraudulent disinformation deluge. Fuck their corruption.