Split cassette with Law Facilitates Crime. Tha sacred fruity melon… wall-to-wall Blur & Blast…no middle ground, j-j-j-j-j-just Hard-Vacuum hyper Blur Blast Torikowashi shred-flay User-Hostile No-Skool-Noyzcore mega hysteria to knock all suctions off th udders paunch. Ridiculous, utmost & utterly uncontested frenzy-fusillade fucketh-fastest. Law Facilitates Crime – turbo blast Gratecore Math-Grind with Maddest of all Motherfuckers-Kikanju Baku on drums. Neon-green cassette, beyond sensory-spank art & design, fold-out, double-sided pamphlet. 333 hand numbered copies on Tetsubish Gob-Stopper tapes. Available from emergencyemancipation[at]protonmail[dot]ch
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