new release – savage moil, hard trauma, first degree rend & spontaneous organ ejection from grievous barbarian heavyweights God Pussy (Brazil), NxBx (Chile), PMNT (Brazil), 886VG (Chile), Estupor (Chile) & a cross-continent collision between Eine Stunde Merzbauten (Czech, Radek K of Napalmed) & 886VG.

NABEG contribute two tracks of psycho-kinetic, smoldering Apoplexy – Spent Species a fierce skirmish from 2018 between 886VG & Baku as a live duo – suffuse with horrific feedback scald & ultra’ ultra harsh maim. finally – مسیرة العودة الكبري where the original two provocateurs are joined by Napalmed/ESM & PMNT, as well as ground zero audio from the 2018 Great March of Return – Gaza border protests in which the craven fascist shit-sucks in the IDF shot & gassed thousands of unarmed Palestinian protesters, killing hundreds, & wounding tens of thousands – children, women, medics, journalists & even the disabled (literally, shot dead in a wheelchair) in yet another round of appalling Israeli super criminality & inhumanity. the ever enlarging transgressions of that divergent frankenstein fuck-up of a country, the bloodshed, oppression, theft, racism, terrorism, impunity, bellicosity, lawless despotism, sex trafficking, rape, wretched cruelty & repellent maltreatment that brings so much disrepute & enmity towards innocent & non-partisan Jewish people who do not endorse, facilitate, approve or defend the criminal regime of Israel & it’s escalating extremities & crimes against humanity. ISRAEL DOES NOT REPRESENT THE JEWISH PEOPLE & THE JEWISH PEOPLE DO NOT REPRESENT ISRAEL -INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY- THE JEWISH PEOPLE WILL NOT BE TARRED BY ISRAEL’S RAMPANT & REPEATED CRIMINALITY & WAR CRIMES. – FUCK ISRAEL!
x118 hand-numbered copies on a specialized cassette resembling a gold-bar, high quality fou- panel sleeve, inserts, hand-crafted on-bodies with excerpts… no digital/online/commercial version, available from the artists.
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