Mermilf versus Weirwolf:

the twenty-seventh edition of brain scramble – Mermilf versus Weirwolf – on Erst-while Antrum. psychobullosic cerebral-straying, accentutated-avant-clotting & rapid improv disorientations against odd outré outback noise w’ weirdo relish. convoluted & enigmatic Korean “alter-ergo” ensemble – 산내음 <MuA Dan> – with a glorious high-plateau outer-body exuberance & extremely tricky backwards beats. strange noise, Industrial clagging & wandering & moody frequencies from Chicago sentinel Illusion of Safety & Seoul shape-shifter Obo. fast, nimble & inflamed free-jazz duo pelt with effects-pedal-prone-astral-currents trumpeter Pataphysics & saxophonist Jung-Jae Kim, & the last of 機関銃爆発合奏団.
seven tracks in almost 80-minutes, to cook the cortex, curl the toes & graze the ear.
recorded all-over-orb like a novel virus or selectively ectopic plague particle.
x329 hand-numbered copies on a neon-purple spray painted disk etched with strontium bicarbonate, & clasped in pink kids clips with free wasp sting at ₩13,333 a slop.

git em’ from –
Korea – 해충 Distro – huafemme[a]proton.me
Taiwan – emergencyemancipation[a]protonmail.ch
Australia – info[a]pataphysics.com
USA – heartmath[a]icloud.com>
Heirophant Hermetica:

Heirophant Hermetica .. a gig in Seoul on the 31st with 산내음 as a four-pillar freak fugue fantab.
yeaaaaah … mass summonings & abundant apparitional anomalization with MuA Dan …. new members, lots of new recordings & material to process … much, much more after a brusque lull in the summer stodge.

diehard noisegrind nova .. . OPS-PSF/I Trust the Conman split 7” should be going to press this month on wyt wax … G.S. Crazy (Pt.1) vs Moron’s Messiah and the Temple of Turd. some IxTxCx recording session footage (minus noise & distortion) is now online.
Desperation Breeds Depravity ep out on Trussterfuck compilation.
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