New Nabeg siege & scourge videos from last year’s Hungarian discordance diplomacy. Just small fragments of flash-bang that were scavenged from here & there. Nabeg is the first & foremost incendiary from th Enclave for Aberrational Expostulation (EAE), a constantly changing European, Russian & Ex-USSR states musical conventicle mutating dramatically in some kind of Gunk, Noise, Poise-Spore, Abnorm, Noisegrind, Fray, tri-Industrial, Free Jazz, Scolopendric, Riot Gear, Breakcore, impromptu impetuosity exemplary extirpation which we generally abbreviate as either Flensecore or Apoplexy by generic definition. It was founded by myself, Kornel Vajsz & Biro Marci last year. Tons has been recorded & will be finding it’s way out into open air soon with shit loads of new action on th barbs. Keep yer’ eyes blanched for th Economy = Extinction EP that’s just over th next dune.
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