TRIP-WYRZ!!! roster of results regarding recent resumption of revolution retention! more jus’ roond th rock-face, ang on chuck! large scale Bleg update should be falling out-of-place in th nex seven days, so keep yer peels-eyed kiddd –

yers’ sagaciously…. Gakostomy Crag

Conversations 2 CD & Conversations double 12” vinyl LP – NOW OUT!

Conversations 2 Ecto Excerpts

Conversations 2 finally crawls outta it’s pupae, & what a set a’ wings this sum’bitch dun got SHEEEEEEEEIT!!! honey-chyl, we gonna work every corrugation a’ yer brayn over, tickle every frond n’ squeeze those cerebral blood vessels to stimulate outter-body exultations & soul spume! yu’ll be chipping yur bings so hard th amps will crack, yessir! blustering about yur own ball-bag is silly, but underplaying th avalanche is fools folly, iyl tell ya str8, shit is so off th scales, yu’ll need heat-resistant head gear ta listen ta’ this shit pilgrim! some fantastical reviews of Conversations 1 can be found thru th linx below. Iym trying to facilitate more, but th current established medias horrendously insouciant politburo of grossly ignorant cronyistic dilettantes are to blinkered & riddled with timidity & incompetence to observe th megrim magniloquent mosaic murrain right in front a’ their grill. Iyma’ lay it down on th 1 bereft uv any high-capping, any even minutely self-respecting magazine with even a semblance of credibility better pull they draws out their rent & face th floridity if they have any commitment or authenticity to genuine Avant/progressive/Jazz shit kuz an intractable black-hole has just been shot thru th hull of history in intensely Avant-Jazz/Improvizational Music, an that’s on th fuckin’ real mhan so recognize or retardate. a serratum of excerpt fission from Conversations 2 can be heard here for a quick adumbration to th solar-system swilling amongst. no matter what, we punching bitches str8 out th airlock 2 be vaporized by th gasses of th milky-way & beyond! no jet-pax, pyur teleportation!!!!

th International distribution on these puppies is ropey as a pirates deck, s’ rekad repositories, wax dispensaries & hardcore distribution enthusiasts/shops th world over should cut str8 2 Greg at Wide-Hive for very reasonable wholesale rates on both th vinyl & CD editions –


Finally emplaced Bleg online…basically lots of thoroughly detailed reviews with diligent sound excerpts.. predominantly kicking about with intense & unhinged Avant-Jazz but also No-Skool-Noyzcore, Stridor, Gunk, Grind n Grate, Splittercore, Breakcore & wilder mediums in general. A real codex of convulsives.

Baked Bollocks

unbiddable off-axis outrage monstrous matriarchal mousseux melange medley Bollock Swine transfigure more unthinkable Abnorm Freakcore Gunk Anti-Listener Marathon-Blast yellow oestrogenic esemplasticus unbidden outermost!!! whole heap a’ Bollux recorded & two new videos of supremely chaotic tergiversating incertitude & unintelligible blanche music to scald & splay them gizzards! putting everybody on their arse everywhere whether dey lyk it or not, shit is absolutely owt of orbit!!!! breyk yerselves off a chunk a’ this fizzing turquoise nonsense n’ choke it back ya bazzurd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5th WARD

Perhaps iyv finally scavenged a capable bass playa in this useless city of orthodox bitches. this has some serious implications, first & foremost in th fusillade will be th 12”LP 5THWARD! this album will transmogrify free-form-frenzy with rigorous premeditated compositional complexity of a revolutionary standard underlining th whole “Precision Hysteria” stratagem ineffaceably. conceptually it will source sustenance from th notorious southern ghettos, specifically H-Town, South Park, 5thWard & Hiram Clarke, relayed through distorted samples of vintage H-Town rappers. historically, H-Town & it’s surrounding quarters produced some of the most distinct, devastatingly hardcore, Blacc dopeness before th whole G-Funk adulteration & commercial success (& subsequent creative flat-line) & conforming standard which dedifferentiated so much of th diversity & regional individualities that had been flourishing in Rap. this album will be a homage to that region at that time & th playurz that projected that brilliance such as Bone-Hard Big Mello, th underground master Willie Dee, psycho Ganksta N-I-P, black book flavoured ice-cream & milk K-Rino, 5thWard Boyz, 25-2-life, Choice, The Convicts Lord 3-2 & Big Mike, Pony J & Magic Mark P.K.O., Point Blank, Egypt & Dope-The Terrorists, Greek, Grim, Ghetto Boys, C-Lo, The Oak Cliff Assassin, Klondike Kat, Too Much Trouble, OG Style, Street Military, Crazy C, PSK 13, DMG, AC Chill & others from th Youngsta, Rap-A-Lot, Black Book International, SPC, Beatbox, Big Tyme launch pads!!! so Phosphorous-Funk, commensurate Free-Jazz hostility, Glyph-Hop, pristine Southern ghetto tautology & th inevitable scolopendric syd-wyndng carcuminal arachnoyd Riot-Gear Baku belabour ta smoulder ya dexxx! unparalleled hook th offs!!!!

< on th subject of Th Bloody Nickel, cult photographer Peter Beste has recently published a fantastic photographic book called Houston Rap, fixating on th rappers & region from present day to th vagrant days of early 90’s prime before th sonic & residential gentrification. get it! & check >


Roscoe Mitchell – Conversations 1 (excerpts & odd-balls)

Here’s an mp3 taster of th new Roscoe Mitchell-conversations 1… a modern Avant-Garde classic that recalibrates th limits & possibilities of ergo wilderness phenomena.

Conversations part 2 & th DBL LP version of both will be owt in mid April.

Bollock Swine

Two new Bollock Swine videos!!! this tym borrowing th skitz n blitz uv our mad Slovak bollock-bruzzur Rado on blur-bass! beautiful bollocks & th fastest Noisegrind ever enacted! there are four other secretions, all completely bollocks to tha grayn stowed on audio & video. we’ll fyn sumthin’ interesting ta do wi’ em ^_-    more Bollock bollox at

Bollock Swine & Pseudoku

Yih’ yih yih kidopsa!!! 2 peel a parmesan, an so – apparently th Mitchell-Taborn-Baku sessions were so bone-hard & copious in chaotic calamity that two, yiz, TWO fuckin CD’s are destined for expulsion ala nuits de la foundation maeght mothafukaz!!! Wide Hive Rekadz, mosugu, fissures in th thought process foranimous fulminate!

Here is further fission footage frum th Roscoe/Kikanju Oct 18th London gig with fellow assailants Kunoichi Kakokuna Kobura & Wasai! Devastating shamanic summoning’s & drastic divinizing deification fo ya.

My new 7”EP is owt, Bollock Swine <No-Skool-Noyzcore> & Pseudoku <Extra-Terrestrial Algebraic Space Grynd> on blu wax, Lo-Fi Or Die Rekadz. Peregrine paranormal prepotency preposterous profusionary, do yu dare???