Fronds of th 1-9. Cusp of twentieth double-decker, crammed with crisis – peel th scab, give er’ a wash – on yer’ way. So, th call to qualms – whole hunk of complete, unfolding, impending remonstration-reave from my projects Nabeg, Citizens of Nowhere, Indigenous-Residual-Autochthonous & other ardent-argute-agile-abrasive-asymmetrical-apex gathering (or indeed, gathered) in the storm clouds. Crash-landing over th coming months. Here’s a dram of some January skirmish for th flower-beds, soon to heave with nothing but the swaying of stamens.
Don’t get yur derma damaged in th door. Long lost lascivity in th final closing seconds – an express roadside ejection before th 18 has assumed the funeral revelry. Dragged out of the stubborn rab, from back yonder in the sacred 2013 (unlucky numbers & Kentucky cucumbers) comes a revamped, non-camp & warm-clammy to th touch damp; divinorum from ultra-harlequin art-fuck eccentric-effuse trio Foju Fuyuu Frequency. Avant-Garde is looking a wee bit worn-out on that scuffed old water-mattress! Especially with these yuppie plagiarists offsetting personalized voids by crowding the rubble with their desperate insults… here’s some mothafukuz that blew the gaskets & sailed th shit way’ way off into whatever th fuck. Beyond th limb, on th most aculeate of th razors edge, & th acids corrosive compounds, 浮遊 struck, stretched & scattered th weirdest & wildest blotched brain-fry kaleidoscope convulse. Cohabitants consisted of an emotionally conflicted voodoo high-rise priest & noise-FX-mallam Adio “Black Valentine”, Kikanju henka Hovd negrato & white-witch of Ropongi Koboyashi ‘Cobra’ Mimi who surged, lathered, strained, cast & ensorcelled their unique “impetuous improvised intercourse” torrid & elliptic midnight-mysticism. Some of the weirdest, most exotic, unfamiliar, variegating, eclectic & thought-&-emotion-process-rippingly-odd baroque Poise-Spore Abnorm Farrago Free-Form to escape its ceremonial container from the authentic front-line of subcultural sui-generis art-spew (steeped in all the isolation, vulns & struggle that are associated with th true lifestyle). Serious delectation with th design, white gold-splashed shell & case with individualized acid-pink stipple, stickers, 3 panel double sided inlay, non-machine assembled, hand numbered to 167 editions on Erst-while Antrum (outing 23). Available from all good fortune-tellers, exorcists & inyangas. Th genuine god particle. emergencyemancipation[at]protonmail[dot]ch
Acquisitioned two phantom guitar players for new Law Facilitates Crime material, commencing via overdub (for distance purposes & lack of facility). That plausibility alone has galvanized considerable invention…currently sitting on seventeen new dethroned regimes with more destined for discerption. The stringent complexity of the projects rapid-martial-kinetics requires a proficiently technical accomplice, not to mention razor-worthy tightness & the necessary cosh-grind abrade.. a substantial set of requirements for one assailant to possess in full. Fuuuuuuck! I need six guitar players acting individually on this single project, so I can belt-out the blat & dash it to baying insurrectionists that can keep pace with th roust. If yer’ a substantially agile Grindcore guitarist that can handle staunchly formidable technicality, non-linear time signatures & split-second celeritous shifts with a pash for turbo-velocity ferocity, drop us some lard wash & les’ see what yu got ducks (just make sure yur fuckin’ good ok?!). All this shits being written (like everything else over th last six years) on a substitute, low-quality mesh-head adorned kit that is yanked from storage & assembled in a living-room before being devised from scratch on th spot & captured on a Blackberry then run through Audacity. Th wretch, he doth scavenge, yet produceth a welt of fatal exception without peer ^0^ emergencyemancipation[at]protonmail[dot]ch
Holy-mother of magnanimity! Th twenty second edition of Erst-While Antrum, otherwise uttered under/as/ancillary – “Gunge Hump 101” . hey it’s a giant love-in & wig-out with soaring kinetics, rabid pyromantics & hysterical thrigmotropism & nine-limbed acrobatic ovulations from the Concussion Projectile Trio (Chris Pitsiokos, Luke Stewart n’ Kikanju Blacclist) + Free-Form Phosphorous Funk unit 极剧动 & Weasel Walter wit’ Forbes & Young, accompanied by disposable rummage Texas trash-noise-junk-jumble odd-fuck duo Miracle Power Combination, and then! and then! – a spiffing shroud of tenebrous & confused Ukrainian Death Industrial, intoxicated Extreme Electronics that’s positively heaving with samples stuffing… like, stodged & bodged with no wink & nod. Doesn’t come with a free tea-cozy knitted from the stomach lining of felled Tory knaves, but it does have a hand painted dual-colour on-body & mo’ fantastically lurid & fanatically original artwork, hand numbered to 222 copies. Available from emergencyemancipation[at] & directly via the contributing artists themselves. More glyphs on the gleam can be glommed.
Split cassette with Law Facilitates Crime. Tha sacred fruity melon… wall-to-wall Blur & Blast…no middle ground, j-j-j-j-j-just Hard-Vacuum hyper Blur Blast Torikowashi shred-flay User-Hostile No-Skool-Noyzcore mega hysteria to knock all suctions off th udders paunch. Ridiculous, utmost & utterly uncontested frenzy-fusillade fucketh-fastest. Law Facilitates Crime – turbo blast Gratecore Math-Grind with Maddest of all Motherfuckers-Kikanju Baku on drums. Neon-green cassette, beyond sensory-spank art & design, fold-out, double-sided pamphlet. 333 hand numbered copies on Tetsubish Gob-Stopper tapes. Available from emergencyemancipation[at]protonmail[dot]ch
Yummy new tape – 神经刺痛 is here to romp a spud-fowl in yur sparse. Double session damage dollops & tea-room trollops – 3 irreparable turbo blast-blur Neko-Neko-Noyzcore dive-bombs from Bollock Swine circa 2005 Chicago (guitar, drums) & two streaming, spitting, bubbling vats of scream-splashed, virago-vicissitude-venereal blurt harsh Gunk Gush-Gyna (Noyz, duo-gurl-banshee, drums) from 2018 London. Breast milk belligerence. Oh! & they joined by OPS-PSF, Miracle Power Combination, Wage-Slave Exchange, Drogded, Animal Machine, Sewage, 886VG, New World, Sedem Minut Strachu, Shit Noise Bastards, Sodoma 93, sweet sounds of the burning child & Qebrus for whopping rend harsh, Gunk galore, extra’ extra condensed blat-fuck, User-Hostile Blur Noisegrind trash trauma & mega skip-hump Glitch accelerated abnormality discharge. All crushed onto a pink cassette, with customized stamp daub, giant full-colour double sided poster, colour Obi, colour sticker & coloured cassette case conjured by the scoundrels at Tetsubish Gob-Stopper/Jigokuki.
Scribble me a presidential assassination. don’t yu worry those nether-nodules… under th flash of pink thunder & howling hunks of absolutist-Ha-Ha-Ha, a 13 way split deluxe cassette of hypso-Gunk/Stridor with glow-in-th-dark splodge is about to spew it’s load! Are yu ready? Are yu able? Do yu possess th proportions? Very few can navigate through th fog of fuscous
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