NABEG – All Rights Revoked (EP)

NABEG: All Rights Revoked EP Excerpt

Just out! – Nabeg-All Rights Revoked EP! Totally unprecedented, totally cataclysmic, exceedingly politicized anti-capitalist/anti-corporate/anti-government, moral outrage Flensecore decanting the most draconian exasperations from the Apoplexy defensive strategy (Apoplexy/Flensecore is a new genre urging & agitating on it’s own instincts & impetuosity but tracing strands of it’s DNA to Breakcore, Noise, Gunk, Grindnoise, Fray, Riot-Gear, Abnorm & Free Jazz)! Noise guitar, off-the-rails bass, live analogue Electronics/Noise, electric organ & of course – the banished beast Kikanju Baku on drums. The results are barely plausible. Four tracks in twenty-eight minutes, hand-made sleeves, unique electric blue spray-paint CDR on-body, hand numbered to 479 copies. I assure you, without pretention nor exaggeration, there is nothing like this whatsoever doing the rounds! Released by those steadfast, implacable lunatics at Erst-While Antrum. 

Kikanju Baku & James Fei: No One Teaches the Snake to Strike (CD)

Erupting from uncharted origins comes th new flux polyscopic prismatica from Kikanju Baku & Taiwanese American saxophonist & analogue electronics practitioner James Fei (Roscoe Mitchell, Anthony Braxton, S.E.M. Ensemble, Weasel Walter etc) recorded in Oakland CA, summer 2016. excruciating perplexity, shocking & severe hyper-abstract absrusions & paranormal collisions hurtle into some of th most explicit terra-incognita yu will ever hear! Beyond alarmingly-excoriating, fast & technically-accomplished deflagration, this particular album screams some of th strangest, almost obnoxiously weird originality & individualism in the Free Jazz/Extreme Improvisation circumference, morphing & metastasizing over a gigantic extensity of hostile & hazardous oddness & extreme surrealist exclamation. Mastered by Jon Rosenberg (Julius Hemphill, Roscoe Mitchell, Hamiet Bluiett, Anthony Braxton etc). Seven tracks in 66 minutes. Comes in a specialized deluxe case, first edition hand numbered to x500 copies. Released by Ethnicity Against the Error, th last ululation in kinetic mutated Abnorm-Jazz floridity & precision-hysteria. No barcode, no commercial distribution & abso-fucking-lutely not available through Amazon, iTunes or Ebay! Inconvenience equals independence. 


Vent from vaults! Here’s a disinterred & revamped reissue of Kikanju’s short-lived London Grind unit from back around 2001-2002 – しぬ マザーファッキング うじむし(“Shinu Mazafakingu Ujimushi” or ‘SMU’) str8 dishin’ deft dynamic Grindcore sass inspired by Ginza girl gangs, Far East femme-fatalism, cult Manga & early 90’s Kung Fu vivacity with Jay “Chinpira” Merrifield on strings. Unfortunately, th projectile only lasted about a year under fairly contested circumstances & ended when th guitarist was rug-swept by a dame & crashed off th course in some kind of gigantic romantic man-trap! Too bad, as th prospects were thru th fuckin’ roof & th duo were only just drawing th swords fully from their scabbards. This download comprises most elements from th only two recorded sessions Shinu Maz produced on their ephemeral expedition into exhilarating octane-unto, recorded & pressed into tepodama deposits in a hall-way & a bedroom on minidisk & ol’ ass 8 Tracker cassette recorder, ergo th low-level audio whip on tha cones crown & gunge down th grip. Previously issued as two handmade CDR editions on th notorious Lo-fi Or Die Rekadz years n’ years back. Gochi-sou-sama muzrfenkr ^ ^ !!!


Diligence & diplomacy! Producing a project of traditional Chinese orchestral, folk & Peking opera music as well as contributing th odd bit of percussion, gu-cheng, san-xin & chin-chin playing (oh, ya’ll didn’t kno eh?). It’s been a pretty anfractuous effort, due to th madness of modernity & th challenging idiosyncrasies behind the main mensch of the project, the wonderful sifu Ray Man. But fruition favors fervency & it looks like th results are going to be a bumper crop of soul-strokin’ delights ^0^ ! been messing wit’ (& being messed wit’ by) traditional Chinese music/instruments for most my life, & hopefully some of th contemporary ideations & concepts I have fostered for years (including 白鱀豚, which has clawed at th constraints of my abstraction for almost fifteen years now) will start to fruit from th pool of musicians available along with further opportunities & efforts with international  trad Chinese instrument ustads from th diaspora. More whence manifest.

& there, moored on th rocks & convolved in kelp, was this heavily coruscating review of a nigguz  kayakujutsu in Stockholm with mf Roscoe Mitchell!  I have shared a section below & also latched-on a rough-shod, un-mastered track (th exordium of th evening) from th conjuring & catalepsy enfilade as a downloadable Mp3.

“Baku was a marvel of barely contained hyperkinetic energy, whose movements around the onstage setup, like the loose, anxious bobbing that opens a boxing match, brought an element of dance, evoking Cecil Taylor’s hookup with Min Tanaka. Behind the kit he was even more exciting, piling concentrated breakbeat-like rhythms and extreme-metal technique onto the branch of free-jazz drumming that feels like a sustained eruption and trails back to Sunny Murray”. 

Evan Haga – Jazz Times


Erst-while Antrum 18 Excerpt

ヘンカ!ヘンカ!ホウイコウゲキ! (aka Erst-While Antrum #18) bursts it’s bulla! fantastical fall-out from th razors-edge of th disassociated outer-class to jump-start flagging recalcitrance & send the sheep scurrying for their sky-scrapers. involves two unreleased trax from Chicago’s surrealist Industrial Noise veteran Illusion Of Safety , two knee-capping maimers of Harsh bad-sector Stridor from autistic Chilean antagonist 886VG, another two sermons of off-grid, backwoods (literally) cult odd-ball Industrial Noise from deepest Crimea, nasty militant-Speedcore brain-damage menace from our beloved Canadian axe-murderer Terrorist Kriss, three barely plausible tumults of destroying Flensecore (in this case – extraordinarily intense, malformed, violent & ultra discordant Noise-Freeform-Rock guitar & beyond obliterating terminal-complexity Riot-Gear sodden multi-avalanche drumming) from Kikanju Baku & fellow Enclave for Aberrational Expostulation insurgent Kornel Vajsz & finally – th first official release from Nabeg – a European-Russian-ex USSR state collective of Noisegrind/ Noise/ Fray/ Industrial/  Off-Road/ Breakcore/ Improv & pretty much every other bastion of hostile/wild/cacophonic sound genome crammed through some kind of apotheosis of political turmoil & insuppressible riotous outrage – dubbed “Apoplexy” or “Flensecore” it’s a barely imaginable (if at all) cyclone within a typhoon within a volcano within an asteroid impact of immeasurable lividity charging down the palace gates. hand numbered to x473 copies, nice laser-printed full colour sleeve on decent silk paper with hand crafted accoutrements, each physical CDR is individually spray-painted & scrawled. £6.50 each, get direct/ordering requests from emergencyemancipation[at]protonmail[dot]ch

Stockholm Jazz Festival

Roscoe_Mitchell – Kikanju_Baku: Stockholm Jazz Festival 2016 Snippet

Splayed a nice gig at Stockholm Jazz Festival as a duo with Roscoe Mitchell tuther’ day. Dokuen-jutsu at Horsalen, Kulturhuset Stadsteatern (Culture House) to a totally crammed coliseum of willing victims! Knocked th enamel outta’ dey’ giblets like a mothafukur! Swedish Radio will be transmitting harrowing footage from th scrimmage sugu-ni, so keep yer peckers-peeled & yur watering-cans stuffed with lemmings! Death to Theresa May!! 

Kikanju Baku – James Fei: Poly-pande-manium/one size devours all

Recently engaged an eventful expostulation with fellow wayward radical James Fei over in Oakland! Fei is a very odd & awkward player when performing free/improvised, ergo his specific nomination for this antic. His hidden history in the Osaka Noise hub & his ongoing work with Anthony Braxton & Roscoe Mitchell as well as his own excursions are a further bonus for banjax. We had a previous exchange of rounds during Roscoe Mitchells mega –megrim-monomachy all-disrepairing-stare at the Museum Of Contemporary Art in Chicago last year (soon out on ECM as a double disk). I kno a weirdo when i see one…& after nursing th notion for something “catastrophically deranged & demiurge” I suddenly hallucinated th epiphany of myself & Fei ploughing through th unknown depths as an unaccompanied duo & hooked-up th session. It was risky, but th risk rewarded substantial obscenities with clods of cataclysm & heaving chambers of unbearably unhinged & explicitly anomalous ultimate asymmetry irk of vision fogging-standards & un-permissible extremes. I think it’s the most irregular, abnormal, alien, dark, uneven & largely “formless” shit I have done to date!? Fei wields contrabass, sopranino & alto saxophones along with analog-electronics whilst I reverse-rend a tomless trap-kit laden with eleven + cowbells/jam-blocks, a secondary 6” snare & other abstruse emplacement. i am sifting through the two disx of outer-body outré now to compile a single CD that will be released on the vanguard of peregrine progressions – Ethnicity Against The Error once all material has been adequately mixed & mastered. Headstones & hearses – Kika Bunwa

Success served splenetics! Just produced another historic fissure…. Hamiet Bluiett, one of  th OG paint-peelers (World Saxophone Quartet, Mingus, Sunny Murray, Don Pullen, Drake n’ Parker, yaddah-yurga-yishka) prowling th outer-extremities with a screel to lop yer’ lumps fo’ effused with a binge of mega unhinge, & asked me with genuine sincerity whether I get much minge?, yu want fringe? niggu’ we plunge th best yu got in2 th dinge & impinge with poly-pandemonic singe! Ol’ Bluiett edged-over another master-poke, by recruiting into our session two youngsta’ tomangja by th means of James Brandon Lewis on saxophone & Luke Stewart on electric & double-bass. these cats are leopard-clawing dolts into tha’ dirt with a modern tri-Jazz, Funk, Hip-Hop & Avant/Off-Road hybrid. With typical Bakuhatsu/Ethnicity Against Th Error intrepitude & fervency, we all just rolled up, pulled out & dumped rounds at th adulation saturated Systems Two Studios in Brooklyn. Insistence on incendiary impetuosity! Family-favourite Jon Rosenberg was once again engineering th exasperation with exquisite execution! Severing th juiciest bulges frum th session now, to be lumbered on vinyl & released by th leading-lacerating-edge in ultra-autonomous recondite rebellion in th Avant/Off Road/Mutant-Jazz vantage – Ethnicity Against The Error (if yu don’t kno, better knock th shit out y’ ears & join th revolutionary ranks chimps!). Th mothafuckin’ evolution continues to extemporize! Pan-frying officials & feeding them to their crony-cohorts!