Photo by Greg Cristman |

Visions 20 in New York was a brain swelling monument to pleo-pelegrine pontification & precipitancy, distilling suppressed channels & shocking shit outta’ otiose dormancy like a pylon in th prune-juice!!! me & Sorey had some bollux with th drum kits, but it didn’t stop us cracking th asphalt & knocking th moisture out th cloud-lining! Hail-stones! Th syz a’ kohlrabi! In NY! In July? YEEEEEEEEEEEEH! 

I don’t even need to tell yu how raw Roscoe & th others split th seams & roasted realities brittle fabrics! pressure-cooked cerebellums!!! 

th gig was recorded live & will be aired on BBC Jazz On 3 in October, so fetch y’ fire extinguishers & layer up wit’ th flame-retardent vesture! Th on stage photograph is courtesy of Dave Krugman. 

“Roscoe Mitchell brought his band to Vision Festival 20 on Tuesday July 7, 2015. They played to a packed house, exploring any number of dynamic, textural and timbral variations. From Mitchell, Hugh Ragin and Tyshawn Sorey’s horn trio to the full blown finale featuring all five members, including Craig Taborn and Kikanju Baku, the concert was an unforgettable success.” 

The New York Times had some good garble to say about th nights tumult! –

Th MCA/ECM furore thats set to flare next month will be quite an event. Personnel & expertise aside, th Art Ensemble Of Chicago’s entire percussion set-up has been flown in & set-up ready for oblation. so y’ boys gonna be braying contours on th same shit mthrfkn AEOC kicked all that divine racket out on back in th ergo! Hells-bells chuck hows tha’?!?!  ^ ^

Th session with Michael Gregory Jackson & Joe Daley went off like like a nebular interstellar interchange! I wanted very much to work with both of these guys having followed a lot of their work fastidiously for years to such high appreciation, although not necessarily within th same project. Life had other ideas, th opportunity presented itself & both musicians displayed zero-bullshit & total alacrity so we deigned a tuba-electric guitar-drums trio go! Michael came with a pantheon of FX, noise pedals & abstruse techniques & Daley played like a maniac & even cranked FX & distortion boxes ON A TUBA! – later in the set. Having these two extremely enigmatic veterans charging through th uncharted was an exponentially awesome indulgence & th results are seminal! We have a surplus of material which will result in one fuck of an album that I hope will be available as early as this November. It was recorded at a first rate studio in New Jersey & was expertly engineered by a don of Black Saint Records – Jon Rosenberg (Roscoe Mitchell, Anthony Braxton, Pat Methany etc). Video footage & audio excerpts from th session are impending so keep yer eye-balls parmesanned. Music aside, kicking it with them lot was exceedingly enriching. 

So here is summit’ scalding-hot frum th walruses gut-lining! This is all confirmed, assured ascertained & sewn-up in a sarcophagus with a floral intagliation in Cyrillic circa 1700’s – next month I will play at Visions Festival in New York with th Roscoe-Ragin-Tyshawn-Taborn posse (hopefully that recording/show will result in a release all of it’s own) but it also gives me tremendously cardio-vascular-swelling to announce, to unveil, to hatch n’ avouch – that I will be recording with guitarist Michael Gregory Jackson & tuba-don Joe Daley, in a professionally recorded medium/ environment engineered by Jon Rosenberg. I am producing th entire project & these two cats have been specifically enrolled for their consummate capacities & creative contagion. MG Jackson cut his teeth with Oliver Lake, contributing to some of th greatest Avant Jazz/kinetic & hyper complex whilst simultaneously ultra-effusive abject improvisational Jazz albums such as Holding Together, Shine! & Zaki as well as ridiculously challenging & distinct albums as a leader/composer himself. Joe Daley is a veteran of the tuba, ranking hard as a frequent consort of Sam Rivers & Muhal Richard Abrams. His recordings with Rivers, from Waves, The Tuba Trio tri-LP series, Crystals, Black Africa & albums with th Riverbea All Star Orchestra are legendary artefacts amongst Baku law & Joe’s more recent work as a leader & composer of his Earth Tones ensemble, particularly 2010’s The Seven Deadly Sins CD, which knocked me for nineteen, consolidate his presence as one of the most adventurous & dope tuba players of th effin’ lot son. Anyways, get-off th fault line cos shits gonna’ devour!!! Iym going to put th album out myself as waiting for these other loser-labels to catch –up is raking my xylemic sorus, kno worra’ mean!? FRUCTUOUS!!!

Breakfast Bollocks n’ Brigands

Borago Bollock

Wanderers, inyanga, beregs, mendicants, tobosha! Every now & then someone cool muso-marauder just falls out of a puff of smoke & we jump in a haggard rehearsal space & revolutionize th etchings. This shit should happen a lot more often but it’s difficult in this era of idiot with i-phone entropy. Anyhew’, here’s one track from an impromptu session & some Bollock Swine blush-bash in video & audio format are well on th way (editing/mixing). Thanks to Birax Marceleriac ^_- 

Kryzt-kid! wul’ I got my cervix all knotted over this shit & arrived at th wrong destination! Peep gaym – there’s two vision festivals… April 8th in London & July th 7th in New York…iym actually playing at th NEW YORK/JULY divination, not th London event, which is another good reason not to go to East London where th stench of gentrification is as thick as th knuckles on a camen-herders crab-claws after cement work in th Sinai! So sorry to all my trillions a’ to-mang-ja/hitogoroshi tail-gating frum fuckin’ Harlesden to th cliffs a’ Dover, this sorry-arse city will hafi’ mek do wit wuteva The Liar has been paid to lick to palatable status for these toothless fuckin’ meekers!

Oh’ & here’s two more reviews of Conversations, frizzant on it’s virtues, velocity & vertiginous-ness! all American a’ course! Yu kno Blacc, we never got one, NOT ONE review in this mzrfkr/th UK!!! Jzt goes to show yu th extent of th chronic-detumescence in this otiose deflated shit-dish of malingering pendulous-wristed bilge-vendors!!!

See ya’ in th least habitable/hospitable regions…. Kaku Jun Jun